折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:36:11

Roy Iwaki
(1935–2010, Japanese American) (1935年至2010年,美籍日本人)
Roy Iwaki was born in Los Angeles and was six years old when war broke out with Japan and he was sent with his mother and older siblings to the Manzanar Relocation Camp.Roy Iwaki Roy Iwaki出生在洛杉矶,在他6岁的时候,战争爆发,他与他的母亲和哥哥姐姐被送到曼赞纳搬迁营。 After the war he enlisted in the Air Force and then went on to study architecture.战争结束后,他参加空军,然后继续学习建筑。 Before starting his career, he visited Japan, and developed an admiration for Japanese art, including woodblock printing and origami.开始职业生涯之前,他访问了日本,并对日本的艺术感到赞叹,包括雕版印刷和折纸。 After two years as an architect, he relinquished that career to pursue his passion for working with his hands.两年的建筑师生涯后,他放弃事业继续他的折纸探索之路。 Iwaki first created his origami masks in the late 1960s and was making these and other works of art until his death in 2010。在20世纪60年代末,Iwaki初次创作他的折纸面具,直到2010年去世,他一直创作折纸作品。

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:38:08

Paul Jackson       保罗·杰克逊
(b.1956, British) (b.1956,英国)
Paul Jackson's childhood hobby was origami.保罗·杰克逊在童年就爱好折纸。 After art school in London, he taught folding techniques, wrote books about paper art, and in the 1990s started exhibiting his origami.伦敦艺术学校毕业后,他开始教授折叠技术,撰写有关折纸艺术的书籍,并于20世纪90年代开始展出他的折纸作品。 In 2000 he met Israeli artist Miri Golan and relocated to Israel, where he now teaches at art and design colleges.在2000年,他遇到以色列的艺术家美里戈兰并移居以色列,他现在任教于以色列的艺术与设计学院。 In contrast to the complex, detailed origami of many artists, Jackson's paper sculptures aspire to be “simple, elegant in sequence and form, surprising in concept and even audacious.” He prefers forms that appear to have been “discovered” in the paper, rather than “contrived” from it.与许多折纸艺术家复杂,详细的折纸不同,杰克逊的纸雕塑作品追求“形式上的简约,优雅和令人惊讶的大胆的概念”他解释他的作品是去“发现”,而不是“创作”。 His website is origami-artist.com 他的网站是origami-artist.com

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:48:13

Eric Joisel(1956–2010, French) (1956年至2010年,法国)
Eric Joisel was widely regarded as one of the most talented origami artists in the worldEric Joisel被一致认为是在世界上最有才华的折纸艺术家之一。 A sculptor with a background in history and law, Joisel was inspired by the works of Yoshizawa to turn his hands to origami.拥有雕塑家和法律的基础,Joisel被吉泽章用双手创作的折纸作品所震撼。 Largely self-taught in origami principles, he combined design techniques like box-pleating, folding techniques such as wet-folding, and tools he seamlessly adapted from his sculptural background to create figures and animals that appear sculpted or molded rather than folded.经过自学折纸原则和技巧,他结合设计技术如和盒式褶折,折叠技术如湿折法,和来源自他的雕塑背景的工具,来创建人物模型和动物模型,超脱于折叠模型,他的作品更像是雕刻或模塑。 Joisel turned single uncut sheets of paper into wondrous creations. Joisel 将一张纸不经裁剪变为令人惊奇的创造。 He excelled at animals, whimsical fantasy figures such as dwarves and wizards, and masks, sometimes depicting the faces of fellow origami enthusiasts.他擅长折叠动物,异想天开的幻想人物,如矮人,精灵,和面具,有时表现折纸爱好者所热衷的面孔折纸。 Before he died, he was working on a group of meticulously costumed characters from the Commedia dell'Arte.去世之前,他一直工作于一组喜剧人物的设计。 His work can still be enjoyed on his website ericjoisel.com 他的作品仍然展览于他的网站ericjoisel.com

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:51:15

Satoshi Kamiya    神谷哲史 (b.1981, Japanese) (生于1981,日本)
Despite his young age, Satoshi Kamiya is one of the most advanced origami folders in the world.虽然年纪小,神谷哲史是在世界上最先进的折纸艺术者之一。 He started folding paper at age two and began designing more sophisticated models at age 14.他两岁时就开始了折纸生涯,并在14岁时开始设计比较复杂的折纸模型。 At age 17, he was invited onto a Japanese game show, “Origami TV Champion,” where he won the competition against artists twice his age, and proceeded to do so for the next three years straight.17岁时,他被邀请到日本电视节目折纸王冠军大赛,在那里他赢得了与比他年龄大一倍的折纸者的比赛,并在随后三年里一直都是冠军。 He has made hundreds of origami models, drawing inspiration from nature, Eastern and Western mythology, manga, and even video game characters.他创作了数以百计的折纸作品,他的创作灵感来自于大自然,东方和西方的神话,漫画,甚至是视频游戏中的人物。 Many of Kamiya's origami designs are exceptionally complex—some of his dragons require around 275 steps—while others, such as his Eastern Dragon , which took 40 hours to fold, are so complex that they will likely never be diagrammed for instruction.神谷的许多折纸的设计是非常复杂的,他的龙需要约275步,而其它的,例如如他的东方龙,折叠需要耗费40个小时,他的作品是如此的复杂,有可能永远不会出图解教程。

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:54:02

Miyuki Kawamura       (b.1970, Japanese) (b.1970,日本)
Miyuki Kawamura began origami at the age of two and has been folding paper since then.Miyuki Kawamura 在两岁就开始折纸并且自从那之后就从未间断。 She is a well respected folder in Japan and is a board member of the Japan Origami Academic Society.在日本,她是一个备受尊敬的折纸者和日本折纸学会的董事会成员。 Kawamura has a background in physics and specializes in modular origami.她有物理学的背景并专门研究模块化折纸。 She has published several books about origami including Polyhedron Origami for Beginners in 2002 and has exhibited her work internationally.她出版了几本关于多面体的折纸书折纸,其中包括2002年的《适合初学者的多面体折纸》,目前她已在国际范围内展出她的作品。

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:59:10

Hideo Komatsu       小松英夫
(b.1977, Japanese) (生于1977,日本)
Hideo Komatsu began folding origami at the age of three and became passionate about it in elementary school after reading the book Viva Origami (1983) by Kunihiko Kasahara, which featured works by Jun Maekawa.小松英夫从3岁开始折纸,读小学时读了笠原邦彦的作品《折纸》 (1983)后,变得热爱折纸。 He later became a member of the Japanese group Tanteidan (Origami Detectives) and has been very actively involved in their publication Oru (Fold).他后来成为日本探侦团(折纸探侦组)的成员,并一直非常积极地参与出版《折纸探侦团》。 In 1998, he was invited to be a guest folder at the Origami USA Convention, which took him overseas for the first time. 1998年,他被邀请成为美国折纸协会客座折纸家,这是他第一次出访海外。 His works, mostly elegantly stylized animal forms, have been featured in several international exhibitions.他的作品大多是优雅的风格化的动物造型,已在多个国际展览会展览。

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 21:02:16

Goran Konjevod (b.1973, Croatian American) (生于1973,美籍克罗地亚人)
Goran Konjevod is a mathematician and theoretical computer scientist who originally practiced origami as a hobby.Goran Konjevod是一位数学家和计算机理论家,他最初将折纸作为一种业余爱好。 In 2005, he began creating his own designs. 2005年时,他开始创作自己的作品。 His pieces are mostly abstract shapes formed by tension in the paper when multiple layers are arranged according to their regular or irregular patterns.他的作品大多是由拉紧伸缩而形成的抽象的形状,按照常规或不常规的折痕而形成多层折叠。 Their final forms are, in a sense, organically discovered rather than invented or designed.从某种意义上说,他们的最终结果是发现而不是发明或者设计。 Although he generally works with single uncut sheets of paper or other foldable material (such as copper) and for the most part employs ve-ry simple folds, he also creates three-dimensional forms using multiple layers of thicker paper.虽然他通常用一张完整无缺的纸或者其它可折叠材料(如铜箔),在大多数情况下采用非常简单的折叠,他还使用多层较厚的纸张创作了三维折纸模型。 Konjevod's work has been featured in exhibitions throughout the United States, Canada, Spain, and Croatia. Konjevod的作品曾在美国,加拿大,西班牙,克罗地亚展览。 His website is organicorigami.com 他的网站organicorigami.com

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 21:05:59

Daniel Kwan (b.1986, Chinese American) (生于1986,美籍华人)
Daniel Kwan started folding origami at age five in Chinese school and avidly studied origami books by Tomoko Fuse and others.Daniel Kwan 5岁时在中国的学校开始折叠并开始学习布施知子和其他折纸家的书籍。He has been attending Origami USA conventions since 1997, and in around 2002, he began designing his own modular origami pieces.1997年,他就已经参加美国折纸协会,并在2002年左右,他开始设计自己的模块化折纸作品。 He has developed a specialty of using edgebased modules to weave together various polyhedra compounds (of which the two models in this exhibition are examples).他开发了一个专业的使用基于边缘模块来将各种多面体组件组合到一起(例如本次展会上的两个模型)的技术。 As of 2008, he has expanded his focus in the origami world to include tessellations.截至2008年,他扩大了他的折纸领域,开始探索镶嵌折纸的世界。

钢骨铁丝人 发表于 2012-10-11 21:20:22

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 20:09 static/image/common/back.gif
Vincent Floderer                   文森特 弗劳瑞德 (b. 1961, French) (生于1961年,法国)
Vincen ...

原来这个艺术家叫Vincent Floderer 。

折纸treemaker 发表于 2012-10-11 21:21:46

Michael G. LaFosse (b. 1957, American) (生于1957年,美国)
Michael G. LaFosse is internationally regarded as one of the world's top origami masters.Michael G. LaFosse在国际范围内被视为世界顶级的折纸大师之一。 He has been practicing origami for more than 40 years and has been teaching it for over 30 years.他已经练习折纸超过40年,并已有超过30年的折纸教龄。 LaFosse, a master papermaker, and his partner, Richard Alexander, also create handmade origami paper, known worldwide under the name “Origamido® Paper,” which they use for their own work and is also sought after by many other origami artists.LaFosse,纸张制造专家,和他的搭档理查德·亚历山大一起,还创作手工折纸,以“Origamido折纸工作室”享誉全球,他们用自己的纸张进行创作并受到其他的折纸艺术家的赞叹。 Together, LaFosse and Alexander have written numeous books on origami.LaFosse和亚历山大已经写了许多关于折纸的书。 A biologist by training, LaFosse skillfully uses the wetfolding technique and his own specially made papers to create dynamic representations of the natural world.作为一个生物学家,又经过折纸训练,LaFosse已经可以熟练地使用湿折法和他自己特制的纸张来创作自然世界的各种折纸模型。 His website is origamido.com他的网站是    origamido.com
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